

A bunch of stuffed animals are sitting on a blanket in front of a movie screen

Over the Easter period we held a DVD night where we ask for a donation of a teddy bear for the Foster Care Angels Care Packs.


A wonderful night was had by all and we received some very cute and cuddly bears.

A bunch of stuffed animals are sitting on a blanket in front of a movie screen

Over the Easter period we held a DVD night where we ask for a donation of a teddy bear for the Foster Care Angels Care Packs.


A wonderful night was had by all and we received some very cute and cuddly bears.

A bunch of stuffed animals are sitting on a blanket in front of a movie screen

Over the Easter period we held a DVD night where we ask for a donation of a teddy bear for the Foster Care Angels Care Packs.


A wonderful night was had by all and we received some very cute and cuddly bears.

Greater Western Sydney Recruitment Specialists

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